Vin Diesel, star of Fast & Furious, provides an update on the franchise's endgame strategy, including the number of upcoming films and Dwayne Johnson's comeback as Luke Hobbs. Diesel made a comeback last year as Dom Toretto in Fast X, the tenth installment in the Fast Saga, following his role in the first installment back in 2001. Although a Hobbs spinoff film was revealed...
For Voltron, the acting elements are coming together. Rawson Marshall Thurber is directing the live-action film for Amazon MGM Studios, which is based on...
Gunslingers, bank robbers, and wise men have frequently been glorified in movies, appealing to our interest in law-abiding people. Actually, crime fiction predates cinema,...
"A Minecraft Movie" started its protracted production process in 2014. Originally attached as director, Shawn Levy (“Deadpool & Wolverine,” “The Adam Project”) departed the...
"Unveiling the 'Den Of Thieves 2: Pantera' Trailer: A Return of Iconic Characters by Gerard Butler and O’Shea Jackson Jr. Set for 2025"
Nearly seven...
The Fire Inside, directed by Rachel Morrison, is a 2024 American biographical sports film. The movie follows Claressa "T-Rex" Shields, a professional boxer from...
Based on the character Daredevil from Marvel Comics, Dario Scardapane and Christopher Ord & Matthew Corman are producing the upcoming American television series Daredevil:...