In the aftermath of the harrowing events of Squid Game season 1, where nearly all participants, with the notable exception of Gi-hun, meet their tragic demise during the central games, the highly anticipated season 2 introduces a completely fresh ensemble of captivating players. Much like its predecessor, Squid Game season 2 continues to explore the complex dynamics of human morality by categorizing its participants...
Ten fully operational but illegal Tumbler Batmobiles, akin to those in Christopher Nolan's THE DARK KNIGHT, are being sold by Warner Bros.
The vehicles will...
Marvel CEO Kevin Feige has taken note of the fact that the Spider-Man: Spider-Verse films are among the greatest superhero films currently available and...
S.J. Clarkson's Madame Web and Daniel Espinosa's Morbius were two box office busts for Sony's Spider-Man Universe, but the Venom films have been the...