
    Kevin Feige, the head of Marvel, confirms when he intends to bring Miles Morales’ Spider-Man into the MCU

    Marvel CEO Kevin Feige has taken note of the fact that the Spider-Man: Spider-Verse films are among the greatest superhero films currently available and hopes to include Miles Morales in the MCU soon after Beyond the Spider-Verse.

    “Miles will appear in the third Spiderverse, which is currently in production,” Feige tells Omelete (with translations from DeepL). I’m hoping he can make his live-action debut in the MCU soon after that.

    Miles Morales has already been mentioned in the MCU. In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Donald Glover plays Aaron Davis, a weapons dealer and small-time criminal who goes by the moniker Prowler. He refers to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man’s nephew, Miles Morales, who appears in the comics and Sony movies. Glover made a cameo in Nueva New York and returned to this role in Across the Spider-Verse.

    Additionally, he has an Easter egg in Into the Spider-Verse, when a short clip of a Community episode featuring him in Spider-Man pajamas is shown on a television. For the third season of Ultimate Spider-Man, Glover even provided the voice of Morales.

    Miles Morales was truly inspired by Glover. The Donald4Spiderman movement started after he appeared in a Community Halloween episode wearing a Spider-Man suit, hoping to cast him in the part that Andrew Garfield eventually played. However, because the creators intended to include a Black Spider-Man in the comics, it did result in the development of Miles.

    Therefore, even though we don’t know if Morales will be in the MCU, we do know that Feige wants him to be there, and Glover might be too old to play the teen, but he could play Prowler again.

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